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Who are We & Our Statement of Faith

Building God’s Kingdom Together . . . for Such a Time as This!

The Lord has clearly given our congregation a call to teach the fullness and depth of His Word.
You will find, as it is written in the book of Romans 8:4, that we are to be busy training up disciples. This means that we want you to learn more than just learning the righteousness of God's precepts. We want to show you that Yeshua expected us to show a lifestyle of our learned ability to "walk in the Spirit." It is then, and only then, that the unbeliever will learn to hear, see, and fully understand the complete and amazing freedom found nowhere else but in the gospel of Yeshua our Messiah.


I have found that only an in-depth understanding of Old Testament Scripture will help us achieve the depth of the Hebraic roots that Yeshua Ha'Mashiach (Jesus Christ) is unveiling to us. And, in addition, we also will find that the New Testament Scriptures are better understood when we look at the true roots of the Greek Language. As a Pastor, I was a Valedictorian with a Minor in Prayer, when I received my Doctorate in Theology. But, my Undergraduate and Master's Degrees were from two very strong Greek Bible Colleges. Therefore, I have found that Greek interpretation skills are extremely useful for interpreting Hebrew. Thus, it becomes obvious that the relevance of these skills has helped me when teaching the meanings of the Jewish Feasts and Festivals, along with the Hebraic customs and traditions, and when making an appropriate application of how the New Covenant is calling us to follow the basic principles God intended from the foundation of the Earth. 

I thoroughly believe our call, as a Discipleship Ministry, is intertwined with our Teaching Ministry. However, they must count totally on the Holy move, gift, and voice of the Holy Spirit. So, we are committed to walking with continual observance of the basic call of the Biblical Five-Fold order of Government, which is: Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, and Teacher.

In conclusion, it is imperative that we all must purposefully strive to make it evident, to every member, that every believer has the right to "walk" in the gifts of the Spirit. And that means that every one of us must use his God-given authority to overcome the destructive powers and evils of an unworthy enemy.  


  1. To worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of the living, whose desire is that our joy may be full.

  2. To proclaim the good news of Yeshua the Messiah, to the Jew first and also the Gentile; through His death every person can have atonement before God from all sin, and by His resurrection, we have confidence that we can come into the presence of God in our prayers and will be raised to everlastinglife with Him.

  3. To be filled with the Holy Spirit, the counselor sent by God, to guide us into all truth.

  4. To study the whole and authoritative Word of God, including the Tenach (Hebrew Scriptures) and the Brit Chadasha (New Covenant) under the leading of the Holy Spirit. 

  5. To observe the Shabbat and Biblical Feasts ordained by God in perpetuity.

  6. To be a testimony to the whole body of Messiah of its Jewish roots, trusting that Messiah's death has forever broken down the middle wall of partition separating Jews and Gentiles who trust in him, and also affirming that Messiah came not to destroy the Torah but to fulfill it; our Jewish roots, from which Messiah springs, have always been intended as a basis of oneness, holiness and love, as it is written, in Leviticus 19:34: "The stranger living with you must be treated as one of your native-born. Love him as yourself, for you were strangers in Egypt. I am the LORD your God."

  7. To identify with the lewish people in observance of the seasons of lewish life, mikvah (immersion), bar mitzvah (marriage, mourning), study of Hebrew, and intercession and support for Israel.

  8. To raise children in the knowledge, fear and love of the Lord, passing on to them a Jewish identity, understanding of God's word, and love for all people.

  9. To love one another as God loves us, devoted to one another in brotherly love, bearing one another's burdens, sharing with God's people and our neighbors in need, practicing hospitality.

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