2020 Message Archive
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Current Messages | 2021 | 2020
Rabbi William Hepfner
12/26... Scroll down to Guest Speaker box
12/19... Found in Feasts, Festivals & Special Events box
Holiday Message and Play
"Commercially Cultural Holiday"
12/12... "Truth About Messiah's Birth"
12/05... Scroll down to Guest Speakers box
Daniel Juster
Series: "Keys to Generous Living" Found in Sermon Series bos
11/28... "Keys to Generous Living" Pt 4
vaYetse (and Jacob went out)
11/21... "Keys to Generous Living" Pt 3
Tol'dot (generations)
11/14... "Keys to Generous Living" Pt 2
Chayei Sarah (life of Sarah)
11/07... "Keys to Generous Living" Pt 1
vaYera (and Adonai appeared)
Feasts, Festivals & Special Events
Sermon Series:
Keys to Generous Living
11/28... "Covenant Relationship"
11/21... "Expressions of Loyalty"
11/14... "Allegiance to God"
11/07... "Expressions of Trust"